Monday, February 16, 2009

This Is The Problably The Best Ferret Owners Manual.....Ever! By Dr. Wally Waffles

The Best Ferret Manual Ever-By Todd Hanson
Every generation has a novel that puts society on its ass, The Art of War, The Joy of Cooking, The Hardy Boys, Choose Your Own Adventure The Planet of Maldorf and now Dr. Bell's Manual on owning a ferret.
What really grabs my attention is that Dr. Bell clearly states that this is THE pet ferret owners manual. It's like she is getting in my face saying this is it, no others compare. It is as if she is slapping me in the face with a Ferrets tale of wisdom.
Each page is a fresh breath of ferret air, her chapter on cage upkeep alone had me personally questioning, morals, life, society, I think I peed a little. Cont page 78