Saturday, March 13, 2010

Important Flyer That Needs To Be Distributed In Your City

Top Five Reasons Crystal Clear Pepsi Failed

Crystal Clear Pepsi

Who doesn't remember where they were when they enjoyed their first can of Crystal Clear Pepsi? That sweet citrus and cola combination was destined to gobble up marketshare in the ruthless carbonated beverage market...or was it? Were there shadowy characters steering this brilliant idea towards doom?Were the Russians involved? Perhaps, or was the introduction of Tab Clear responsible.Web petitions have been popping up all over the internet with people demanding the re-release of their favorite short lived soda.To move forward we first must learn about the past of this delicious drink.
Crystal Clear Pepsi 1992-1993

1) Van Hagar-Any time Sammy Hagar is pitching your product, night night.

2) Tab Clear By Coke-Split the market.

3) It was just to freakin’ AWESOME.

4) The Russians-Still working on this theory.

5) Colonel Sanders

6) Ringling Bros

The Chronicles of Moobs

A Comedy Blog

The People Have Spoken!